Massive waves crashed into the beach as I ran along California Highway 101 this morning. With each step I thought back to 2016 and 2017 when I lived in southern California and ran those same miles daily. While running, I stared at the horizon and reminisced on how to write a 2023 wrap-up.
I’ve floated through the past year in many ways.
I began 2023 like I begin most years — with high goals in running and life. On the surface, the year was successful. I finished my quest to run a marathon faster than four hours in every state, a goal I’ve chased since 2011. I checked off another Boston Marathon finish and qualified for (and got in) the 2024 edition.
But I also struggled with consistent healthy running. I didn’t prioritize my strength training, and it led to some minor nagging injuries. My attendance at track workouts was spotty. I couldn’t stay consistent with my weekly running schedule and skipped planned long runs and workouts, which led me to adjust my yearly mileage goal three times.
When I create a 2023 wrap-up, I see inconsistency in my life outside of running as well.
My family had some incredible moments. We traveled a lot, including a great summer trip to Canada and for my December marathon in Delaware to finish my 50-state goal. My wife, 4-year-old daughter, and I went on hikes and found waterfalls. We visited the beach and explored tide pools.
But I also spent a much higher percentage of the year staring at my phone, scrolling social media posts and memes. Often I chose to stay up late, when I knew that meant I would stay in bed the following morning instead of getting up and attacking the day with purpose. I mentally checked out, and didn’t prioritize family time daily. And I let sporting events outside of my control dictate my mood and general outlook.
I failed to write consistently or branch out into coaching and volunteering (all were goals at the start of 2023). I didn’t make healthy eating or drinking choices far too often.
It’s really easy for me to focus on the negative points. So I’m trying to step back and evaluate the past year without letting my momentary emotion tint my conclusion. The true picture is complicated. A 2023 wrap-up wouldn’t be complete without the highlights or blemishes.
The stunning ocean views along the 101 haven’t changed much in the past seven years, and the coastline will probably be similar if I’m back here in 2030. (Yes, typing 2030 feels quite weird.)
But I can still change. My hope is to look at my life analytically and make more positive decisions daily.
Just because I floated through too much of 2023 doesn’t mean the future is hopeless. It’s a perfect time to evaluate and find a way forward.
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